"What is outside is also within." --Aguilla , INDIGENA
This time of year, in the physical realm, our culture brings a lot of awareness to the theme of homecoming. In schools and universities 'homecoming' is a time when alumni are invited to return and reunite with present students for games, activities, and celebration. This is so significant!
When we tune into this on a deeper level we can feel that this IS in fact a time of connection and remembrance. It is a blending of past and present ~ a unification. Perhaps that is why we created these 'homecoming' events in the first place ~ prompted by an ache from deep within our soul ~ a longing to REMEMBER, reunite, and feel our sense of 'home'.
In our experience of 'being human' it is often these external manifestations that are symbolic of what we are actually craving on the inside. Perhaps this extrinsic creation of 'homecoming' is merely an expression of an intrinsic need for connection and wholeness ~ our essential need to 'be home'.
As we deepen our level of awareness and REMEMBER we cannot help but know on a visceral level that what is outside is truly also within.
Our journey to that connection with our 'home space' is not necessarily one of ease but it is one of grace! When we are open to it, this arduous journey empowers us with a profound awareness of our inner terrain and ALL that resides there --even those traits and tendencies that we have labeled as 'bad' or 'undesirable.'
But guess what? There is no good and bad -- this is an illusion--it all just is! There is no duality of opposites. Polarities such as inner and outer, light and shadow, masculine and feminine, self and others need not be in conflict with each another. In actuality they harmonize with one another and are equal parts of the whole beautiful symphony!
We are here on Planet Earth because we are perfectly imperfect! If we can be gentle with ourselves and embrace ALL that we are --we see that there are no mistakes--only life experiences that are impetuses for healing, growth , and transformation. Then when we walk through the doors of acceptance, surrender, and forgiveness we begin a profound process of Divine Reconciliation. As we can feel, this resolve takes place in our heart space where infinite and expansive LOVE is palpable ~ a space where we feel the essence of hOMe.
In eastern (and now western) culture, the sound OM is intoned as a vibration of the Supreme and that space that has no beginning or end and encompasses all that is. That is our 'home space'. And there is no place like OM!
Sending LOVE from hOMe,