Thursday, April 25, 2013

Full Moon Ritual

Full Moon Ritual

One of my most loved full moon rituals is to fill a glass with water and place it outside overnight to absorb the energy of the moon. In the morning - drink it slowly and embody the magical essence ~ satiable and energizing ♥ 


Harmonious Existence Remembered

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wild Edible Violets

Spring Abundance from the Wild Edible Plant Kingdom ~

Wild violets with their heart-shaped leaves are beautiful and have been the inspiration for much folklore, art. and poetry
Violets are also a great source of nutrients and remedy? They can be ingested simply in a salad or as a tea, herbal infusion, syrup, jam, or yummy sweet candied flowers. I have included a couple of recipes below.

So the next time you are looking for a purple food for your rainbow try violets.

Forage On!

Violet Infusion Tea

1 oz dried violet leaves and flowers
1 quart of water
- place violets in mason jar
- boil water and pour over violets
- let steep for 4-8 hours
- strain violets
- add stevia if desired
** can also be added to freshly juiced lemonade
recipe thanks to Learning Herbs. com

Candied Violet Flowers from HER Kitchen

Fresh Violets (stems attached)
Almond or coconut milk
agave nectar
- combine 1 oz nut or coco milk with 1 oz agave
- grind sugar in mortar and pestle until fine
- gent;ly dip violets in liquid mixture and then sugar, place on wax paper
- when mostly dry gently remove stems and place flowers on baking sheet in oven on very low heat
- ready when dry and crispy
You can eat these by themselves or add to baked goods.

Enjoy the essence of beautiful and healing Viola.


Educating the Heart

This is vital to our existence and the beginning of the end of violence within our world. May we choose to create ripples of Loving Kindness within our children and within ourSelves ♥


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Children's Meditation for Everyone - Rebelle Society

"Meditation is a powerful adeptness for anyone and we are learning that when we practice meditation and mindfulness as children, the collective ripples on a physical, emotional and universal level are profound."
Many believe that meditation is a large part of the solution for (inner) + world peace.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

High Vibrational Families


Harmonious Existence Remembered

Fertility Tree of Life painting by Danielle Colucci

Holy Avocado

Avocado is one of my most favorite creations on the planet! It's absolutely delicious, nutrient dense, alkalanizing, and highly versatile -- you can even make ice cream and chocolate mousse with it. Bon Apetit!

Harmonious Existence Remembered