Monday, September 24, 2012

HER Blog: Grateful for R & R

    I feel so blessed that as a Mom I am gifted with the occasion to Re-learn and Remember!

     Today my 6 year old daughter and I went for an 'Alphabet Walk' as part of her morning homeschool class. As we strolled, our eyes were wide open for letters that were created in nature or other outdoor structures.

     "There's a Y" she said proudly as she pointed to a birch tree whose trunk and main branches formed a beautiful Y from our perspective.

     "And there are 2 H's!" She pointed out on the water to a cargo ship that was carrying metal structures that were indeed shaped like capital H's.

     Then she giggled when she pointed to her dog Tiki's tail commenting that it was shaped like a 'C' as it curled upward.

     As usual her openness for finding letters in nature was pure and unobstructed by judgment, distraction or mental overlay. Her connection silently professed 'Of course there are letters in nature-- why would others not notice them? I see them all the time."

     Another aspect of our walk was to find the letters to spell a word of her choosing. It could be any word that described her or any member of her family in any way. Her response for HER word was quick! She wanted to look for 'Love' in nature. When I asked her why she said, "Because love is in everything!"

     Wow~ just wow! That is such an amazingly profound statement simply stated by a fully present child. And so, together we looked for letters of love in nature as my heart smiled and we saw them everywhere! L sticks, O shells, V trees, and E paw prints. LOVE surrounded us! She even spotted a heart shaped leaf in our garden.

     And so it is ~ messages of LOVE are  everywhere just waiting and wanting us to notice and embrace them. Wanting us to remember what life was like through beautiful 6 year old eyes ~ full of wonder, presence, and LOVE.

     I experience harmony when I am connected to my inner (and outer) 6 year old. How about you?



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