On that blessed day of Marriage, the cuaderno clothed herself in typical dress for an Indigena. She came to feel at home in her inherited robe and
fully embraced the beauty of her cultural infusion. The peaceful warrior stood
nobly by her side, grounded in the realization of his royal authentic self.
Both arose in personal triumph after encountering the
cosmic serpent within, a double helix that carries with it a chain of ancestral
traits and cultural tendencies, good and bad, darkness and light—the paradox
that lives within each of us. While walking this labyrinth of life, the energy
of co-creation embodied them and guided them in divine cadence to that
providential space of Pure Love.
After the fire, they are an opus of change, right
action, and transformation. From the ruins, they have come of age and are
reborn into adulthood. They hear the voice and listen adeptly to the sacred
sound. They are keenly aware of the infinite power that is available to
them—available to everyone who takes right action toward manifesting the vision
of their soul.
When invited to do so by el viejo, the male took the female’s hands into his and looked
deeply into her eyes, the portal of the soul. She looked graciously into his.
They made themselves still and received the gifts of union, equality, and love.
They were now ready to occupy the space of Sacred Balance.
On that day el viejo was mindfully aware that on one level he married
the male and female who stood
in front of him. He also married the male and
female inside of each of them—the left and the right, the
yin and the yang. And
in the universe, he married a significant piece of the collective masculine and
feminine consciousness, north and south, light and dark, heart and mind, heaven
and earth. The positive
energetic effect reverberates throughout collective
-Cynthia Dawn, Indigena