Thursday, March 7, 2013

3:13 Integration Vibe

As we begin this journey of INTEGRATION let us bring our awarness to the many seemingly antagonitic notions within our existence-within our world.
These notions of polarity... light and dark, good and bad, masculine and feminine, heart and mind, thought and feeling, outside and within, past and present, past and future, preset and future, heaven and earth, east and west
science and spirituality, you and me- they are mere illusions. Everything is connected-it ALL just is.

Ahhhh. breath that in and exhale. It ALL just is. How liberating, how Expansive!

We will share the next 13 days harmonizing our life expereinces in full support of one another. Please feel open to comment on your experiences and/or questions about what comes up for you. This is an open conversation and there are a plethrua of beautiful souls uniting. We all learn from one another because we are all ONE.

There is a harmonious existence of Oneness that is availalbe to ALL.
It is that space where everything comvergres-where everything begins and ends. It is the space of NOW. And we are HERE.
Can you feel it???

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Sit back, relax and enjoy the LIGHT!

In Peace, Love, and Harmony,

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