Friday, December 28, 2012

A Beautiful New Era

The time is NOW for us to rise to a new level of existence--one that is more deeply connected.

We are being called to remember, reconnect, and heal the the feminine wounds both in ourselves and in our world around us--in both human and natural resources.

We all have feminine energy within us--it not not about man vs. woman though it sometimes manifests that way. This is about masculine and feminine energy and bringing both into balance within ourselves and within our world. Wounds to the feminine have caused us to lean on the masculine and much of our systems that are in place are of masculine mind. It is much like when one injures one leg we tend to lean on or favor another. Notice our Mother Earth who has been neglected in so many ways. She is a reflection too of our inner feminine terrain. Its time to reconcile and heal her.

As we move into this new era with expanded insight and awareness there will be many shifts. The element of this time is 'ether'--it is the space between and within all things. Many institutions that are founded on the old paradigm may come to pass. Its time to co-create something better--something that marries both heart and mind. What amazing potential is before us!!!

May we all raise one another up and walk side by side in perfect harmony. It's time to rise and shine my brothers and sisters! SHINE ON!

With Abundant Love and Light

Winter Solstice Ceremony at the Caracol Mayan Ruins in Belize. An all night vigil was held and then a music procession began at 3:00 AM. I followed the music in darkness beneath a blanket of stars as the howler monkeys called.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What an exciting time to be alive on this earth! As one Mayan calendars ends and another begins we enter the era of the Fifth Dawn ~ a time for masculine and feminine energy to come into balance and unite in a marriage of beautiful harmonious balance ~ a time when the Eagle (masculine/mind) and the Condor (feminine/heart) fly together side by side. Just imagine the infinite possibilities of this amazing and sacred union 

Love, HER

Excerpt from INDIGENA~

"As I walked to the main house along the path that I walked hundreds of times before, I saw new beauty. Aguilla often says, “Folks find exactly what they look for.” He taught me that it’s all about perspective. “What do you want to see in your life, Little Flower? Because its all right in front of you. It’s your choice.”

            On that day I saw butterflies, hummingbirds, dragonflies, robins, cardinals, and baby rabbits. And I saw a new family of doves who made a home in the apple tree where we laid Mama to rest. Then, up above me I noticed one of the most amazing things I had ever laid eyes on. Up high in the sky I saw a massive bird with expansive wings. He was flying gracefully and exhibited amazing strength. The sun was bright in my eyes, but I discerned a white head and knew in that instant that it was an eagle. I had never seen one before!
     Then, to the left of the eagle, I spotted yet another gigantic winged bird. Its wings were even more expansive than the eagle’s. I was mesmerized as they playfully glided together being uplifted by nature’s thermals. At first I thought the second bird was also an eagle but then I noticed its markings were different. This one had white markings beneath the wings. It was a condor! Two of the most powerful and majestic birds in the world and they were flying peacefully together. I giggled and twirled as I watched the majestic pair fly across a clear blue sky, understanding the powerful message of balance they delivered."