Thursday, March 28, 2013

Sacred Breath

Sacred Breath

In Hebrew the words 'Spirit' and 'Breath' are the same 
Holy Spirit = Holy Breath

In Aramaic - the language spoken by Christ - 'Rookha d'Khoosha' is often translated as 'Holy Spirit' but is more acurately translated as 'One Whole Breath'
Rookha d'Khoosha = One Whole Breath

In Sanskrit the word 'Prana' means both 'Breath' and 'Life'
Prana = Breath and Life

Let us Remember that the Breath is a Divine, Life-giving gift
May we Breathe Mindfully
as ONE.


Harmonious Existence Remembered

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Affirmation ~ Spring Full Moon

I Align mySelf with the Fullness of Spring Luna
I Emerge from a thawed Earth and Blossom in Epic Expression
I Am Luminous
I Shine
I AM free to be ME

And so it is.


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Affirmation ~ Vernal Equinox

Vernal Equinox is at its zenith this evening at 11:02 pm UTC but the essence is already HERe ♥

On this day I Entrain to the Universal energy of Equinox
I Allow its Splendor and Sacred Balance
Light and Dark
Masculine and Feminine
Adult and Child 

Heart and Mind
Heaven and Earth
North and South
East and West

I Breathe in Harmony in the space of 'ALL'
I AM Sacred Balance

And so it is.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sacred Ceremony - Indigena

On that blessed day of Marriage, the cuaderno clothed herself in typical dress for an Indigena. She came to feel at home in her inherited robe and fully embraced the beauty of her cultural infusion. The peaceful warrior stood nobly by her side, grounded in the realization of his royal authentic self.
Both arose in personal triumph after encountering the cosmic serpent within, a double helix that carries with it a chain of ancestral traits and cultural tendencies, good and bad, darkness and light—the paradox that lives within each of us. While walking this labyrinth of life, the energy of co-creation embodied them and guided them in divine cadence to that providential space of Pure Love.
After the fire, they are an opus of change, right action, and transformation. From the ruins, they have come of age and are reborn into adulthood. They hear the voice and listen adeptly to the sacred sound. They are keenly aware of the infinite power that is available to them—available to everyone who takes right action toward manifesting the vision of their soul.
When invited to do so by el viejo, the male took the female’s hands into his and looked deeply into her eyes, the portal of the soul. She looked graciously into his. They made themselves still and received the gifts of union, equality, and love. They were now ready to occupy the space of Sacred Balance.
On that day el viejo was mindfully aware that on one level he married the male and female who stood 

in front of him. He also married the male and female inside of each of them—the left and the right, the

yin and the yang. And in the universe, he married a significant piece of the collective masculine and 

feminine consciousness, north and south, light and dark, heart and mind, heaven and earth. The positive 

energetic effect reverberates throughout collective consciousness.

-Cynthia Dawn, Indigena


3/13/13 - Sacred Union

Good Morning 3/13/13 ♥
A Day of Sacred Union

On this day I Allow
On this day I say Yes
I Do set Free the barriers and the fear
I Embrace the Fire and Ice Within
as it Swirls and Oscillates until
All that is left is
the Nectar of
Divine Love

And so it is.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

3/13/13 = Divine Integration

3/13/13 Integration

3/13/13 is tomorrow and offers us a beautiful invitation to both Synchronize with and Harness the energy of Integration. It is a Sacred Union - a Divine Marriage of Polarities ~ and a portal to Non-Duality. 

Gift yourself some refection time today and ask yourSelf what these polarities mean to you (light and dark, masculine and feminine, adult and child, good and bad, heaven and earth, lightness and darkness, and all of the others).
Call to mind that the Antagonistic nature of these relationships are an Illusion.

The time is NOW to release the Illusion.

For tomorrow - Intend to Be Fully Present at 3:13 your local time. Perhaps you will write intentions to be burned and cleared away. Perhaps light a candle or incense. But just gift yourSelf your 'Presence'. That is the space of Miracles, Divine Intervention and Peace. The Cosmos are of the Integration energy at that time so the Harmonizing can be so spiritually potent.

Are you HERE? Harmonize with us and invite others to come and bring their Light ♥ Nothing fancy, just the grandiose Simplicity of Collective Positivity.


Affirmation ~ Intention

I Perceive my Spiritual Path 
I Manifest Easily and Freely 
in Right Relation to my Divine Truth
My Spiritual Vision is Crystal Clear
I Lovingly and Deliberately Co-Create my Reality
I AM what I wish to see in the World

And so it is.


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Providential Rainbow

El viejo chants. With varying intonations, his sound drifts out over the valley into the vast openness; his vibration resonates with harmony and grace. He is an ambassador, a bridge between the worlds, a providential rainbow. It is his calling; it is his honor. He hears the sacred voice and holds the space—a safe fortress—for others to hear it too. He believes in the interconnectedness of all living beings and holds that one day we will manifest a peaceful universe through Harmonic Convergence. Divine Reconciliation.
-Cynthia Dawn, Indigena

Sweet Harmonious Dreams.
((( ♥ ))) HER

Aguila's Prayer

May we feel the choking breath of our polluted air and see the ever flowing pleas of contaminated waters. May our hearts beat with our ailing Mother Earth who we have filled with waste and toxicity. May the consequence of unconscious choices be palpable. May we embrace one another with profound awareness of our connection no matter our race, gender, religious, social, or geographical orientation, and may we accept the responsibility bestowed upon us to be conscious custodians of this earth. May we come to know that power cannot be achieved through destruction and annihilation, and may we perceive that peace cannot be created by declaring war. May we all gain the insight of synergism and cultivate faith in the power of positivity and love knowing that universal change is a product of the reverberation and resonance of each individual choice we make. May our choices create a world of peace, love, wellness, and joy.
-Cynthia Dawn, INDIGENA

Divine Reconciliation

Enlightenment doesnt occur from sitting around visualizing images of light, but from integrating the darker aspects of the Self into the conscious personality.
- Carl Jung


3:13 Integration Vibe

As we begin this journey of INTEGRATION let us bring our awarness to the many seemingly antagonitic notions within our existence-within our world.
These notions of polarity... light and dark, good and bad, masculine and feminine, heart and mind, thought and feeling, outside and within, past and present, past and future, preset and future, heaven and earth, east and west
science and spirituality, you and me- they are mere illusions. Everything is connected-it ALL just is.

Ahhhh. breath that in and exhale. It ALL just is. How liberating, how Expansive!

We will share the next 13 days harmonizing our life expereinces in full support of one another. Please feel open to comment on your experiences and/or questions about what comes up for you. This is an open conversation and there are a plethrua of beautiful souls uniting. We all learn from one another because we are all ONE.

There is a harmonious existence of Oneness that is availalbe to ALL.
It is that space where everything comvergres-where everything begins and ends. It is the space of NOW. And we are HERE.
Can you feel it???

Connect with us on Facebook

Sit back, relax and enjoy the LIGHT!

In Peace, Love, and Harmony,

Be YourSelf

If you do not show up as who you are, people fall in love with who you're not. Then when they find out who you are, that's when they leave. - Iyanla VanZant

Affirmation - Reconciliation

I am Connected to the ever evolving I AM
I freely release what no longer serves my highest potential
I Forgive, I Reconcile, I Expand
I care for mySELF
I live in LOVE

And so it is.


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Affirmation - Grace

On this day I walk in the arms of Grace 
a mysterious yet discernible Vibration
Who Swaddles and Liberates
Instills and Delivers
a Flow of Abundant Blessings 

And so it is.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Speak Compassionately

Words are Alive and a  powerful energetic exchange! They have the potential to initiate war or inspire Peace ~ and the charge we receive from words spoken to us and through us shapeshifts our Reality. 

Quite simply, words carry a sound vibration that interacts with the world around us. There is a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual response for every word spoken. The vibration elicits a response within our physical bodies, our minds and our multi-dimensional world. Sound healing, music therapy, and even whale and dolphin communication are synchronistic with this notion.  
Words and the tone in which they are spoken can be healing or they can be toxic. We leave some conversations feeling elevated while we leave others feeling heavy or even 'beaten' down. Verbal Abuse is as hurtful and scarring as physical abuse though not as easily measured. 

But the amazing work by Masaru Emoto gives us a visual as shows the effects of words over water molecules.  It is truly amazing and a place where science meets spirituality.

May we Remember ~ our voices are an instrument that we carry with us every day.  Let us be Mindful of the words we speak over ourselves and others. May we live in Awareness that the spoken word shapes lives, defines societes, and creates the world in which we live.
Their Reverberations are felt throughout the entire Universe.  May we Collectively choose to be an instrument of Peace, Compassion, and Kindness so that we may Live together in Loving Harmony. 

~  HER 

Affirmation - Express YourSelf

I step firmly into the fullness of who I AM
I speak my truth clearly, confidently and Grace-fully
I am Here
Perceive my whisper
Hear my roar

And so it is.


Monday, March 4, 2013

Soul Song - INDIGENA

By Cynthia Dawn

I thought of a story Aguíla told me when I was little girl when we walked hand in hand through the forest at sunrise with twigs crackling willingly beneath our feet.

“On another land, there are children of the earth, just like you and me, Little Flower,” he would say in his intoned storytelling voice that was like wings that wrapped me, lifted me up, and carried me far away.

“They are our hermanos, brothers, and hermanas, sisters. Their ancestors are our ancestors. And these people of the earth love children. It is their way. When a woman in their tribe becomes pregnant, she goes out deep into the belly of the forest and takes with her only her closest and most trusted friends. Together they pray and they pray until they hear the special song of the child who is to be born.

They know that every soul has a purpose and that purpose is revealed to them in song. When the women hear the unique song fully, they sing it out loud and soon they are all singing it together. Then they return to the village and sing the child’s song to the others.

When that beautiful child is born, the village gathers and they sing the child’s song to him or her. Later, when the child begins to talk and ask questions, the villagers gather and chant the child’s song. When the child comes of age, the villagers again come together and sing. At the time of marriage, they sing the song again. Finally when the soul is about to pass from this world, the friends and family gather at the person’s bed, just as they did at their birth and they sing that soul into the next life.

“The only other time the song is sung is if at any time in the child’s life, should the child commit a crime against another, the villagers come and make a circle around the child and sing the song. For they recognize that the correction for such behavior is love and remembrance of identity, not separation. When one recognizes his own song, he has no desire or need to do anything that would hurt another.

“And, Little Flower, you will learn that friends—I mean true, genuine friends and family—never let you forget your song. For they are not fooled by mistakes one has made or the dark images one holds about oneself. They remember your beauty when your soul feels ugly and the wholeness when you are broken; they remember your innocence when you feel guilty; and they remember your soul’s purpose when you are confused.

“Unconditional love is so sacred, Little Flower. You may not have grown up in a tribe where this tradition is celebrated, but the villagers know you have a most discernable and beautiful song. And so do you know this.

You may not hear it as clearly as you would like, but life will always remind you when you are in tune with yourself and when you are not. You may have the experience of physical disparity, emotional or spiritual crisis, or perhaps just a relentless gnawing irritability. This is the body’s divine communication. You can feel it down deep within yourself when your life matches your song. There is an emphatic and unwavering joy.

But remember, Little Flower, no matter how sad, lonely, frustrated, or scared you may feel when you are not in tune, never give up and never stop singing. Your song will bring home back into your heart. It takes a lot of practice, but in the end, we shall all recognize our songs and sing them well.”

 ~ Cynthia Dawn

Video - Peace Signs and Laugh Lines

Affirmation - Tuning In

I Live in awareness of the Sacred communication that surrounds me
I ground mySelf in nature and Tune in to the messages 
I am a Blessed part of this vast Universe
I Listen and I Hear
And so it is


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Affirmation - Release

I Notice how I feel in my body and in my mind
I feel the tingling sensation of blood surge as I stretch myself Awake
I Notice where I feel anger, sadness, joy and contentment within my body
And I Discern that which creates dicord witin my life
I Notice that after I inhale there is a natural pause

I Release that which no longer nourishes my highest potential
I Notice that after I exhale there is a natural pause
I feel the Release
I Free mySelf

And so it is


Sacred 'Queendom'

Invite into your 'Queendom' only those who come with Peace, Love, and Mutual Respect.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Affirmation - I Fly

Imagine my life exactly how I dreamt it knowing that I am a powerful co-creator
There are no limitaions, no boxes, no rules
I am connected to the Infinite Realm of potentiality
And in this Promise Land of possiblity I fly

And so it is.


Friday, March 1, 2013

3:13 Integration

Are you seeing this number 3:13 ? 

"3's and 1's, such as 311 or 313 - The ascended masters are working with you on your thought processes. In many ways, they are acting as mentors, teaching you the ancient wisdom involved in manifestation. They are sending you energy to keep you from feeling discouraged, and encouragement to stay focused on the true goals of your soul. Additionally, the ascended masters may be offering you advice, guidance, and suggestions on your life purpose. Always, however, they teach that every creation begins at the level of thought and idea. Ask them to help you choose wisely that which you want"
-Doreen Virtue

Join us on a 13 day virtual journey of Integration. We are coming into a powerful time of integration as we have let go of those parts that no longer nourish our highest potential and are allowing a more ascended expressions of ourSelves to flow in creating a more expansive, non-dualistic way of 'being'. People all around the globe are expereincing this phenomenon and it is time to share together.

Departure is today at 3:13 EST though anyONE may join us at any time. This epic adventure will be filled with beautiful landscape, powerful connection, and Divine guidance as well as some cool human'ness' too. It is sure to be enlightening, enlivening and inLOVEening.

Join us and Invite your friends!

Peace, Love, and Harmony


©Harmonious Existence Remembered