Friday, December 28, 2012

A Beautiful New Era

The time is NOW for us to rise to a new level of existence--one that is more deeply connected.

We are being called to remember, reconnect, and heal the the feminine wounds both in ourselves and in our world around us--in both human and natural resources.

We all have feminine energy within us--it not not about man vs. woman though it sometimes manifests that way. This is about masculine and feminine energy and bringing both into balance within ourselves and within our world. Wounds to the feminine have caused us to lean on the masculine and much of our systems that are in place are of masculine mind. It is much like when one injures one leg we tend to lean on or favor another. Notice our Mother Earth who has been neglected in so many ways. She is a reflection too of our inner feminine terrain. Its time to reconcile and heal her.

As we move into this new era with expanded insight and awareness there will be many shifts. The element of this time is 'ether'--it is the space between and within all things. Many institutions that are founded on the old paradigm may come to pass. Its time to co-create something better--something that marries both heart and mind. What amazing potential is before us!!!

May we all raise one another up and walk side by side in perfect harmony. It's time to rise and shine my brothers and sisters! SHINE ON!

With Abundant Love and Light

Winter Solstice Ceremony at the Caracol Mayan Ruins in Belize. An all night vigil was held and then a music procession began at 3:00 AM. I followed the music in darkness beneath a blanket of stars as the howler monkeys called.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What an exciting time to be alive on this earth! As one Mayan calendars ends and another begins we enter the era of the Fifth Dawn ~ a time for masculine and feminine energy to come into balance and unite in a marriage of beautiful harmonious balance ~ a time when the Eagle (masculine/mind) and the Condor (feminine/heart) fly together side by side. Just imagine the infinite possibilities of this amazing and sacred union 

Love, HER

Excerpt from INDIGENA~

"As I walked to the main house along the path that I walked hundreds of times before, I saw new beauty. Aguilla often says, “Folks find exactly what they look for.” He taught me that it’s all about perspective. “What do you want to see in your life, Little Flower? Because its all right in front of you. It’s your choice.”

            On that day I saw butterflies, hummingbirds, dragonflies, robins, cardinals, and baby rabbits. And I saw a new family of doves who made a home in the apple tree where we laid Mama to rest. Then, up above me I noticed one of the most amazing things I had ever laid eyes on. Up high in the sky I saw a massive bird with expansive wings. He was flying gracefully and exhibited amazing strength. The sun was bright in my eyes, but I discerned a white head and knew in that instant that it was an eagle. I had never seen one before!
     Then, to the left of the eagle, I spotted yet another gigantic winged bird. Its wings were even more expansive than the eagle’s. I was mesmerized as they playfully glided together being uplifted by nature’s thermals. At first I thought the second bird was also an eagle but then I noticed its markings were different. This one had white markings beneath the wings. It was a condor! Two of the most powerful and majestic birds in the world and they were flying peacefully together. I giggled and twirled as I watched the majestic pair fly across a clear blue sky, understanding the powerful message of balance they delivered."

Sunday, November 11, 2012

11:11 Gratitude

For all that 
                  will be 

                        ~ GRATEFUL

Monday, October 29, 2012

At this time while we are naturally infused with the energy of Autumn's red, orange and yellow tones, let us bring our awareness to our lower chakras that are mirrored by this color display. 
May we REMEMBER to nourish ourselves with those foods that are synchronistic for the season. How about a bowl of HER Harmony Soup? 
So delicious and attuned for the season!

Coconut Curry Vegetable Soup

1-2 large sweet potatoes, cubed
1 sweet onion, sliced
1-2 carrot, half moons
1 large zucchini, cubed
1 red pepper, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 cups veggie broth, freshly made if possible
15 oz coconut milk
1-cup garbanzo beans, cooked
bunch of kale, rinsed and cut
curry powder, 1 TB or to taste 

- sauté onion and garlic in pot with Earth Balance
- add coconut milk,  vegetable broth, curry powder
- stir in sweet potato, garbanzo beans, and zucchini
-  cook over low heat until veggies soften
- add carrot and pepper
- simmer
- add kale just before serving

Serve over brown rice and enjoy!

WIth High Vibrational Nourishment,

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Coming OM

"What is outside is also within." --Aguilla , INDIGENA

This time of year, in the physical realm, our culture brings a lot of awareness to the theme of homecoming. In schools and universities 'homecoming' is a time when alumni are invited to return and reunite with present students for games, activities, and celebration. This is so significant!

When we tune into this on a deeper level we can feel that this IS in fact a time of connection and remembrance. It is a blending of past and present ~ a unification. Perhaps that is why we created these 'homecoming' events in the first place ~ prompted by an ache from deep within our soul ~ a longing to REMEMBER, reunite, and feel our sense of 'home'.

In our experience of 'being human' it is often these external manifestations that are symbolic of what we are actually craving on the inside. Perhaps this extrinsic creation of 'homecoming' is merely an expression of an intrinsic need for connection and wholeness ~ our essential need to 'be home'.
As we deepen our level of awareness and REMEMBER we cannot help but know on a visceral level that what is outside is truly also within.

Our journey to that connection with our 'home space' is not necessarily one of ease but it is one of grace! When we are open to it, this arduous journey empowers us with a profound awareness of our inner terrain and ALL that resides there --even those traits and tendencies that we have labeled as 'bad' or 'undesirable.'

But guess what? There is no good and bad -- this is an illusion--it all just is! There is no duality of opposites. Polarities such as inner and outer, light and shadow,  masculine and feminine, self and others need not be in conflict with each another. In actuality they harmonize with one another and are equal parts of the whole beautiful symphony!

We are here on Planet Earth because we are perfectly imperfect! If we can be gentle with ourselves and embrace ALL that we are --we see that there are no mistakes--only life experiences that are impetuses for healing, growth , and transformation. Then when we walk through the doors of acceptance, surrender, and forgiveness we begin a profound process of Divine Reconciliation. As we can feel, this resolve takes place in our heart space where infinite and expansive LOVE is palpable ~ a space where we feel the essence of hOMe.

In eastern (and now western) culture, the sound OM is intoned as a vibration of the Supreme and that space that has no beginning or end and encompasses all that is. That is our 'home space'. And there is no place like OM!

Sending LOVE from hOMe,

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Miracle of Meditation

 "If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation."  
---Dalai Lama

Meditation is a powerful adeptness for anyone and we are learning (remembering really) that when we have this modeled to us as children the reverberations are profound!

On a physical level, scientific studies have found that meditation: 

                    * increases levels of immunity
                    * prevents and/or reduces cancer and autoimmune disorders
                    * improves hyperactivity and attention deficit disorders
                    * alleviates respiratory disorders and digestive problems
                    * reduces the severity of asthma and panic attacks

On a mental and emotional level, experts have found that meditation:
                   * encourages a healthy sense of self
                   * promotes well-being and self-esteem 
                   * increases focus, concentration and problem solving skills
                   * fosters awareness and creativity 
                   * instills connection, understanding, and compassion

On a Universal level many believe that meditation is a large part of the solution for world peace. When we are at peace with ourselves and no longer fighting a physical, mental, or emotional war ~ we can be true peacemakers within our world.

In Sweet Stillness,

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Oh My Moon!

I am so deeply energized by moments like those this weekend when the moon is celebrated, embraced~ REMEMBERED. The synchronicity of Harvest Moon, Michaelmus, the Chinese Moon Festival, and others are no coincidence. For we know that there are no coincidences ~ the Universe is a Masterful Maestro.

On this day, may we recall the relationship farmers had with Harvest Moon as she rose just after sunset to provide light for them to harvest their crops when the light of day waned.

May we remember Archangel Michael as Michaelmus is celebrated by children throughout the world. There are countless accounts of this Archangel in writings that range from religious texts, novels, near death experiences, and spiritual circles. In fables, and texts, Michael was said to have defeated the dragon and is the angel of protection who provides courage and strength. We all have our internal dragons AND thankfully we are all graced with our internal Michael. As the season to move inward approaches, may we  release that which is not longer needed and kindle our own inner light and illuminate the world that surrounds us.

May we remember the Chinese Moon Festival as the Chinese celebrate Autumn and their freedom from the Mongols. Dances and MOONGAZING (lovely) is a large part of this cultural celebration.  Legend says that the Chinese prepared moon pies (because the Mongols did not eat them) with embedded instructions for their rebellion. They were told not to eat them until the day of the Moon Festival that took place on this day in 1368. Freedom from the dragon of oppression was their prize.

And so, as Neil Young sings so soulfully...

But there's a full moon risin'
Let's go dancing'in the light
We know where the music's playin'
Let's go out and feel the night.

On this night, let us remember to celebrate HER~that ONEderfull Full Moon energy that resides in each of us! May we release what is no longer needed. And May our Love Harvest be bountiful!

With Luminous Love from HER.

Monday, September 24, 2012

HER Blog: Grateful for R & R

    I feel so blessed that as a Mom I am gifted with the occasion to Re-learn and Remember!

     Today my 6 year old daughter and I went for an 'Alphabet Walk' as part of her morning homeschool class. As we strolled, our eyes were wide open for letters that were created in nature or other outdoor structures.

     "There's a Y" she said proudly as she pointed to a birch tree whose trunk and main branches formed a beautiful Y from our perspective.

     "And there are 2 H's!" She pointed out on the water to a cargo ship that was carrying metal structures that were indeed shaped like capital H's.

     Then she giggled when she pointed to her dog Tiki's tail commenting that it was shaped like a 'C' as it curled upward.

     As usual her openness for finding letters in nature was pure and unobstructed by judgment, distraction or mental overlay. Her connection silently professed 'Of course there are letters in nature-- why would others not notice them? I see them all the time."

     Another aspect of our walk was to find the letters to spell a word of her choosing. It could be any word that described her or any member of her family in any way. Her response for HER word was quick! She wanted to look for 'Love' in nature. When I asked her why she said, "Because love is in everything!"

     Wow~ just wow! That is such an amazingly profound statement simply stated by a fully present child. And so, together we looked for letters of love in nature as my heart smiled and we saw them everywhere! L sticks, O shells, V trees, and E paw prints. LOVE surrounded us! She even spotted a heart shaped leaf in our garden.

     And so it is ~ messages of LOVE are  everywhere just waiting and wanting us to notice and embrace them. Wanting us to remember what life was like through beautiful 6 year old eyes ~ full of wonder, presence, and LOVE.

     I experience harmony when I am connected to my inner (and outer) 6 year old. How about you?



Tuesday, September 11, 2012

On this day 11 years ago I began a journey... The abominable events of that day was an impetus for me and set me on a path of profound questioning, mourning, introspection, anger, fear, soul trembling excavation, mindfulness, awareness, forgiveness, full spectrum healing, gratitude, and a deeper understanding of the immeasurable value and grace of the present moment.

 I was a flight attendant at the time and my life was forever changed that moment when I heard the news. I was on my way home from a trip I had worked to Los Angeles. Driving over the Bay Bridge, the news erupted through the radio. It was vague at first as they were putting the pieces together moment by moment. But by the time I completed my journey over that bridge it was clear. Something catastrophic beyond words was occurring.

 Now 11 years later, living with a deeper level of understanding and awareness of the metaphors in life, I cannot help but ponder the numerology and also my being on a bridge/ a bridge in that moment. Being one of heightened sensitivity, I could not help but feel unsettled about the nightmares I had both before and after the attacks and also grateful for the insight that was gifted me on a personal level. Being one of wonderment, I cannot help but feel in awe as I now look at that bridge everyday from the front of my home .

 One evening last September a triple rainbow appeared in the Bay originating in the very spot on the Bay Bridge where I was 11 years ago. It was a blessing and another confirmation that the world around us is fully alive and active in our daily lives on so many levels if we just pay attention. I had planned to begin this blog next week when I had it scheduled on my calendar--ha--laugh--wink.

"Life is what happens to you while you are busy making plans."
                                                                                -John Lennon
I think we can all resonate with this.

 During my meditation this morning it came to me that my blog was to be born today. Of course it would be born on this day. It feels synchronistic that it would come to life on such a significant day when emotions remain complexed and seemingly antagonistic. A day when 11 years ago human beings experienced both separation and connection simultaneously as we experienced a loss of our innocence.

 But that was yesterday and now today we are more aware that we can choose to live in a new paradigm. A paradigm of balance and of harmony where there is no separation because good and bad, lightness and darkness, masculine and feminine, heaven and earth all exist right here, right NOW. It is within each of us it is without~it all just 'is'. And all that 'is' need not be antagonstic beacause the heart is expansive enough to hold everything. Heart is truly amazing! When we tune into it, we know on a visceral level that there is no separation--there is only oneness.

 For me this day is about love and a reminder that we can hold a peaceful, harmonious space even when the material world around us is full of chaos and negativity. Let us remember that world peace begins with individual peace. And when a critical mass of human beings cultivate internal peace, it will be mirrored back to us with peace within our world.
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." --Gandhi

And so on this day, September 11, 2012, I give birth to (HER) Harmonious Resistance Remembered. HER Blog is an experiential journey about connection to that divine space of harmony and bliss. A space that seems elusive at times yet it exists within each and every one of us. And when we remember~we live in LOVE.

 It is my hope that the words shared in this blog will enliven your soul. May you embrace that which resonates with you and respectfully set free that which does not. There are many paths to be be walked and ALL of them lead HOME.